10kg Pla


10KG PLA loading=lazy

Category : 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing
Price : US $220.00

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What is 10kg PLA and How is it Used?


10kg PLA, also known as polylactic acid, is a type of biodegradable thermoplastic made from renewable resources such as corn starch, sugarcane, or cassava roots. It is a popular material used in 3D printing due to its eco-friendliness, versatility, and ease of use.

Benefits of Using 10kg PLA

There are numerous benefits to consider when using 10kg PLA:

  • Environmentally friendly: PLA is made from renewable resources and decomposes naturally over time, making it a popular choice for eco-conscious consumers.
  • Easy to print: PLA is easy to use and doesn't require a heated bed, making it a great option for beginners or those who prefer a simpler printing process.
  • Low warping: PLA has a low tendency to warp, which is an issue commonly seen in other printing materials such as ABS.
  • High detail: PLA produces high-quality prints with intricate details and sharp edges.
  • Limited odor: PLA releases minimal fumes during printing, making it more suitable for indoor use.

Applications of 10kg PLA

10kg PLA has a broad range of applications that go beyond just 3D printing:

  1. Food packaging: PLA can be used for plates, cups, and other food packaging materials due to its biodegradability and low toxicity.
  2. Medical implants: PLA has been used to create biodegradable implants such as screws and pins that dissolve as tissues heal.
  3. Compostable bags: PLA can be used to create various types of bags that break down naturally over time, making them a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic bags.
  4. Clothing: PLA can be used to create fibers that are soft, breathable, and moisture-wicking. The material is a sustainable alternative to synthetic fabrics like polyester.
  5. Toys: PLA is a safe and non-toxic material suitable for creating children's toys and games.


10kg PLA is an eco-friendly and versatile material that has numerous applications, from 3D printing to food packaging, medical implants, and more. Its ease of use, low warping, high detail, and limited odor make it a popular choice for both beginners and professionals. Its biodegradability and low toxicity make it a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic materials. When considering your next project, give 10kg PLA a try and experience the benefits for yourself!

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