barney backyard gang

& The Backyard Gang is an American live-action direct-to-video series that debuted in video retailers on August 29, 1988. Produced by The Lyons Group in Allen, Texas, the video series lasted until August 1, 1991 as it was succeeded by its television successor & Friends. Aimed at children from the ages of 2-to-8,

The series focuses on a six-foot purple tyrannosaurus rex named , who comes to life, whenever he is needed, through the imagination of a group of kids, known as The Backyard Gang, springing up from a doll to full size. Together and The Backyard Gang go on adventures through by using their imaginations.

Barney & The Backyard Gang - Barney Backyard Gang

The series made more than $3.5 million. The first three tapes alone sold 50, 000 copies and the whole series would end up selling 500, 000 copies. The series was a success across the US and Canada, but especially in the creators' native Texas.

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After the initial concept was devised, The Lyons Group hired various local production crew personnel to help further develop the show. They hired Irene Corey Design Associates to build the dinosaur costume. After Irene Corey failed to deliver a plushy, huggable T-Rex costume that would be suitable for the producers' needs, producer John Grable reached out and hired friend Jamie Ruth Conner to serve as the series art director and to design a costume that would be more suitable for the character that was being developed.

After Conner's costume designs were approved by Leach and Parker, costume construction by Suzanne Lockridge took place. When Lockridge asked Conner what color to make she replied, "purple of course!" Conner chose the purple, green, yellow color palate simply because that shade of purple happened to be trendy in the late 1980s.

A team was created to create a series of home videos called & The Backyard Gang. The videos were sold directly to the public and became a success.

Barney The Dinosaur Backyard Gang\ - Barney Backyard Gang

Kali And Barney Are Waiting For Santa

Once they got home his daughter couldn't stop watching the video. Rifkin tested the video on other children in the neighborhood to make sure the reaction wasn't unusual. Rifkin liked the concept so he spoke with Leach and other creators about putting on television. At the time the Corporation for Public Broadcasting had been looking for something new

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